Gain the most sought-after skills to advance your professional development and support your organisation in addressing critical challenges and opportunities. We offer programmes to fit the needs of both experienced leaders as well as experts.
Leadership Business management
Strengthen your leadership skills in the triple crown accredited Hanken EMBA programme.
Business management
Develop your competence in key business areas and expand your business thinking.
Programmet AI för företagsledare ger ett strukturerat ramverk för personer i både lednings- och expertpositioner att för...
Building on the successful experience from CPP (Controller Performance Program), and APP (Accounting Performance Program...
Leadership Business management Strategy
Ett omfattande program utformat för företagsledare som strävar efter att driva sina verksamheter mot strategisk tillväxt...
Leadership Strategy
Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape with our AI for Executives programme. Designed to provide a s...
Organisationens inköpsfunktion har en central roll i att utveckla och skapa konkurrensfördelar.
Få en djupare insikt i projektmetoder, projektverktyg och ledarskapets betydelse för att driva framgångsrika projekt sam...
Ett intensivt och inspirerande säljprogram med fokus på den personliga försäljningen.
Sustainability Strategy
Through Business Lead, your company can help open doors for unemployed academically educated refugees and immigrants int...
A unique integration programme for educated refugees and immigrants that benefits everyone involved - immigrants, compan...
Creating a platform and roadmap for incorporating sustainability at the core of your strategy as a competitive advantage.
A practical online programme for managers and leaders who want to gain financial knowledge.
Organisations in change need skilled Project Managers who can lead teams towards set goals, handle risks and take the ri...
The world is changing at a rapid pace and many industries are being transformed as digital technologies change the logic...
SSE Executive Education in Stockholm offers a wide range of executive education programmes within the areas of management, business development, business control, finance and leadership for senior managers, executives, leaders, and specialists.
Since 1994 SSE Riga Executive Education offers open and custom-designed executive education programmes and courses for both large and small/medium-sized companies.