Talent management and development

Your company's success goes hand in hand with knowing how to recognise and manage excellence.

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Strategic talent development

Knowing your staff is a success factor for your company and a prerequisite for excellent work. One of the management team's and HR's essential tools is talent management, identifying and evaluating the competencies and skills that support the strategy.

We support your organisation in developing and maintaining expertise and doing systematic essential personnel planning.

Together with your organisation, we create talent management processes and critical potential criteria to help classify your experts.

As a result of the development work, your organisation will be better at identifying individual potential, building personal development paths and diversely developing selected skills.

Talent development strengthens and develops strategic expertise

Talent development focuses on developing strategic expertise. In different ways, defined talents may include managers and individuals whose expertise is essential for building the organisation's future.

In addition to those involved, talent development programmes develop the entire organisational culture to support renewal. Our solution responds to the competence changes in working life and the need for renewal. The talent development model designed with you supports the organisation's strategic goals and strengthens the individual's growth and development as an expert or manager.

The development consists of a wide range of coaching days, activity style assessments, competence-based 360 assessments with feedback discussions, coaching processes for talents, mentoring and business simulations to ensure and confirm development in the desired direction.

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Talent development

Talent development increases the competitiveness of the individual and the organisation

Continuous strategic competence development, i.e. talent development, is needed in working life. Employees must be able to react to changes, know how to act in new situations and constantly acquire more skills.

Essential skills in working life include problem-solving skills, self-management and management of whole entities. Communication and collaborative skills are also fundamental. In addition, the development of technology creates more needs for specific skills. For example, mastering and utilising digital and artificial intelligence solutions is a significant competitive advantage.

In today's working life, continuous learning and the ability to change will become critical concepts determining the opportunities for individual employees to advance in their careers. Learning does not end when you get your degree; it is a significant part of working life.

Competence development is based on the organisation's strategy

A company's strategy determines what competence it needs. That is why it is essential to support skills development in line with the strategy and provide additional training (upskilling) and training for new tasks (reskilling). Strategic competence development also guarantees that the competence required by the business strategy can be acquired and utilised. This improves the company's competitiveness and ensures success in the future as well.

Employees must be self-motivated and willing to learn new things and develop their skills. When employees' wishes, needs and career plans are considered, they are even more willing and ready to work towards common goals and commit to the organisation.

Therefore, developing competence in an organisation requires the cooperation and commitment of employees, supervisors and managers. However, the company's management must enable development and create the conditions for it. The management team and organisation culture must encourage learning, and the tools and resources needed for education must be defined.

Effective plans and models for continuous development

Competence development is a process used to help the company retain the competence required to ensure competitiveness and achieve goals. At the centre of this process are the employees, whose motivation, competence and well-being are crucial because their contribution determines the company's success.

Competence development also includes the identification and evaluation of personnel and their competence. Planning, evaluating and developing related operating models, procedures, and practices is worthwhile.

Did you know that you can incorporate coaching into all of our customised solutions?

Read more about coaching

Contact us for more information

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Image of Emilia Sainisalo
Emilia Sainisalo
Growth Area Director, Career Lifecycle Solutions
+358 45 677 8557 emilia.sainisalo(a)hankensse.fi